Monday, April 14, 2008

Please continue to pray for our church

Yesterday's message - Act 20:19-25... Bro. Jerry did a testimony about his life about his past and when he found the Lord. It was an awesome testimony.

Yesterday-- after doing the praise and worship.. There was only good 10 of us there... God spoke to me -- I looked around especially all the things that are happening all over the world.... I found myself complaining so much about our church. I know that God is not happy about that. As I asked for forgiveness right away. To give me another chance and to help me, help us......

Please continue to pray for our church. We are going to push forward and continue our church and we will give it another try for the next 6-8 months. If we don't see any progress. We will close the church. Once again, God gave us the sign to not close the church. The rent went down to $200.00 less. Praise God! I know that there are many things that touched my mind to leave our church. some good and some not so good. I know that many times the Lord may reassign a person to another church so they can bring ministry or encouragement to another congregation -that's the best to leave a church. Some - leave a church simply because disinterested, dissatisfied or feel that they are losing focus of why they go to church for or feel that they can find something better or other reasons. This is my first HOME CHURCH and I know that God put me here because I have a big mission to do. God said it will never be easy to build HIS church. God is patient with me and I know that He wants me to be patient with myself and TRUST HIM.We are not here to serve any Pastors that came in and out of this church but we are to serve our ONE AND ONLY TRUE MASTER,Our Father in heaven. I also know that before my husband took the job as a music director, God did not say that every Sunday will be okay.. Some days you will feel the struggle or be alone but I Will be with you. Yesterday, it was just my husband and I did a praise and worship.... We LIFT UP THE LORD! We lift him up wherever we are. My husband made a point yesteday -- some might think that hes trying to prove something or he was born hard headed. Really, if he wants fame... he probably left long time ago and went to a a mega church or open his own band but we do this to Glorify our ONE AND ONLY FATHER... He has bless us with so many things, a family, a good health, our financial... All these things are all came from him and sometimes what we do for our ministry is not even enough. God has bless with so many things.. Who am I to complain???? Complain, that there's not enough workers in our church -- instead why can't we be just thankful that we have a church to Glorify him. I know that God will provide... HE HAS AN ULTIMATE PLAN FOR US..... I feel so guilty sometimes for complaining too much...I know God never promises things to be easy. And really that is ok. But He does promise to be continually faithful in every situation that we face. Even if it does comes at the last minute..God is extremely honored by our sacrificial giving. We have a responsibility to invest in others around the world, even if it is a sacrificial gift. And why would God bless us if we are greedy and selfish? I am also thankful for Bro.Jerry. This man of God is trying to change. As I get to know him more and more, He is a very humble guy... I rather follow a man who is trying to change himself for the Lord and be a good follower of Christ. I still sin but He knows exactly what we need..He knows our heart...It felt soo good yesterday just to LIFT HIM UP! GLORIFY OUR FATHER..TEARS OF JOY...I know that HE was with us, comforting us, whispering in our ears to just TRUST IN HIM...... There will be more challenges ahead of us but I know HE is just preparing us..... Jesus said " In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world".....

Be blessed!

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I thank God for our 2 beautiful girls =) Destiny & Kalea

I thank God for our 2 beautiful girls =) Destiny & Kalea

Come and Join today. Share your beautiful EVERYDAY LIFE story with us.If God has done anything for you in your life. Please share it with us and we'd love to hear what God has been doing in your life. Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to hear your sharing.

It"s not easy....

Our walk with the Lord is not always easy. Many times we run into troubles, get distracted in this world because we forget to stay focused on our Lord who leads the way. Brothers and sisters, continue to pray. Stay close to HIM and He will protect you from all evil.

These are the some of the books that help me stay focused on Lord Jesus Christ

  • Bible NIV
  • The Power of a praying woman
  • Purpose Driven of life
  • For these tough times
  • Battlefield of the mind

Philippians 2:14

Do everything without complaining or arguing